Bridgehampton new york to manhattan distance
The distance from Bridgehampton, New York to Manhattan, New York is approximately 100 miles (161 kilometers). The drive typically takes around 2-3 hours depending on traffic and the route you take.
Here are the most common routes and estimated drive times:
- Via the Long Island Expressway (I-495) and the Queens-Midtown Expressway (I-495): 2 hours and 15 minutes
- Via the Hamptons Highway (NY-27) and the Long Island Expressway (I-495): 2 hours and 30 minutes
- Via the Montauk Highway (NY-27) and the Queens-Midtown Expressway (I-495): 2 hours and 45 minutes
Keep in mind that traffic in the Hamptons and on the Long Island Expressway can be heavy during peak hours, especially during the summer months. It's a good idea to check traffic conditions before you leave and consider leaving early to avoid congestion.
There are also public transportation options available, including:
- The Hampton Luxury Liner bus service, which runs from Bridgehampton to Manhattan's Port Authority Bus Terminal
- The Hampton Jitney bus service, which runs from Bridgehampton to Manhattan's Grand Central Terminal
- The Long Island Rail Road (LIRR) train service, which runs from Bridgehampton to Penn Station in Manhattan
The LIRR train ride takes around 2 hours and 15 minutes, and the bus ride takes around 2-3 hours depending on traffic.