New green lantern movie

Exciting news! A new Green Lantern movie is indeed in the works! Here's what we know so far:

Release Date: The film is currently scheduled to be released on July 24, 2022.

Director: The movie will be directed by Jaume Collet-Serra, who is known for his work on films like "Jungle Cruise" and "The Shallows".

Script: The screenplay is being written by Geoff Johns, who is a comic book writer and a former president of DC Entertainment. Johns is also a huge fan of the Green Lantern franchise and has been involved in the development of the film.

Plot: The movie will reportedly follow the origin story of Hal Jordan, the first human to become a Green Lantern. The story will explore Hal's transformation into a Green Lantern and his battles against the villainous Sinestro.

Cast: There have been no official announcements regarding the cast, but rumors suggest that Ryan Reynolds, who played Hal Jordan in the 2011 film, may not be reprising his role. However, this has not been confirmed.

DC Extended Universe (DCEU) Connection: The new Green Lantern movie is expected to be part of the DCEU, which means it will likely be connected to other DC Comics-based films like "Justice League" and "Aquaman".

Visual Effects: The film is expected to feature impressive visual effects, including the iconic Green Lantern ring and the Lanterns' ability to create constructs.

Tone: The movie is expected to have a more serious and darker tone, similar to other DC Comics-based films like "The Dark Knight" and "Wonder Woman".

Overall, the new Green Lantern movie has a lot of potential to be an exciting and action-packed addition to the DCEU. Fans of the franchise are eagerly awaiting more information and updates on the film's development.