Breitbart news tonight

Breitbart News Tonight is a daily news program that airs on the Breitbart News Network, a conservative news organization founded by Andrew Breitbart. The program is hosted by Larry O'Connor and Amanda House, and it features a mix of news, commentary, and interviews with guests from the world of politics, media, and entertainment.

Here are some of the topics that may be covered on Breitbart News Tonight:

  1. Politics: The program often focuses on national and international politics, including news and analysis on the Trump administration, Congress, and the Democratic Party.
  2. Immigration: Breitbart News has been a vocal advocate for stricter immigration controls and has covered stories on the border wall, sanctuary cities, and the impact of illegal immigration on American communities.
  3. Free speech: The program often discusses issues related to free speech, including the suppression of conservative viewpoints on social media and the importance of protecting the First Amendment.
  4. Culture: Breitbart News Tonight may cover stories on popular culture, including movies, TV shows, music, and books, with a focus on conservative perspectives and values.
  5. Technology: The program may also cover stories on technology, including the impact of social media on society, the rise of artificial intelligence, and the latest developments in the tech industry.

Some of the guests who have appeared on Breitbart News Tonight include:

  1. Politicians: Senators, congressmen, and other elected officials from both parties have appeared on the program to discuss their views on various issues.
  2. Media personalities: Journalists, commentators, and other media figures have appeared on the program to discuss their perspectives on current events and the media landscape.
  3. Authors and experts: The program has featured authors, experts, and thought leaders from various fields, including politics, economics, and culture.
  4. Celebrities: Actors, musicians, and other celebrities have appeared on the program to discuss their views on politics, culture, and social issues.

Overall, Breitbart News Tonight is a daily news program that provides a conservative perspective on current events and issues, with a focus on politics, culture, and technology.