Breastfeeding hurts so much new mum bambam cries out

I'm so sorry to hear that breastfeeding is causing you pain and discomfort, new mum Bambam! It's completely normal to experience some discomfort or pain during the early days of breastfeeding, especially as your nipples and breasts adjust to the new demands of feeding.

Here are some tips that might help alleviate the pain and make breastfeeding more comfortable for you:

  1. Get a good latch: Make sure your baby is latched on correctly. A good latch can help reduce pain and discomfort. You can try to get your baby to latch on by gently bringing them to your breast and encouraging them to open their mouth wide. You can also try to get them to latch on by gently stroking their upper lip with your nipple.
  2. Use a nipple shield: If you're finding it difficult to get a good latch or if your nipples are sore, you can try using a nipple shield. This can help protect your nipples from further irritation and make feeding more comfortable.
  3. Apply heat or cold: Applying heat or cold to your nipples can help reduce pain and discomfort. You can try using a warm compress or a cold gel pack to soothe your nipples.
  4. Take breaks: Don't be afraid to take breaks during feeding sessions if you're feeling uncomfortable or in pain. You can try to take a break and then resume feeding when you're feeling more comfortable.
  5. Get support: Don't be afraid to ask for help or support from your healthcare provider, a lactation consultant, or a breastfeeding support group. They can offer you guidance and support to help you overcome any challenges you're facing with breastfeeding.

Remember, it's normal for breastfeeding to take some time to get used to, and it's okay if it doesn't feel comfortable right away. With time and practice, you and your baby will get the hang of it, and breastfeeding will become a natural and enjoyable experience for both of you.

Hang in there, Bambam! You're doing a great job, and your baby is lucky to have a mum like you who is committed to breastfeeding.