Breaking trump fires rex tillerson hours after nigeria visit

It seems like you're referring to a significant news event!

On March 13, 2018, President Donald Trump announced that he would be replacing Secretary of State Rex Tillerson with CIA Director Mike Pompeo. This decision came just hours after Tillerson returned from a visit to Nigeria, where he had met with Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari to discuss issues such as counter-terrorism and economic cooperation.

Tillerson's departure was reportedly sudden and unexpected, with some sources suggesting that he had been fired by Trump over disagreements on issues such as North Korea and Iran. Trump tweeted that he had "get[ten] along very poorly" with Tillerson and that he would be replaced by Pompeo, who was sworn in as the new Secretary of State the following day.

Tillerson's tenure as Secretary of State had been marked by controversy and disagreements with Trump, particularly over issues such as climate change and the Iran nuclear deal. His departure was seen as a significant shake-up of Trump's cabinet and a sign of the president's willingness to make changes to his team.

Do you have any specific questions about this event or would you like to know more about the implications of Tillerson's departure?