Breaking news ticker for wp

Here is a sample breaking news ticker for WordPress:

Breaking News Ticker Plugin

This plugin allows you to display a scrolling breaking news ticker on your WordPress website. You can customize the ticker to display news headlines, summaries, and links to your latest blog posts or news articles.


How to use:

  1. Install and activate the plugin on your WordPress website.
  2. Go to the plugin settings page and configure the ticker settings.
  3. Add your ticker sources (e.g. RSS feeds, custom database queries) and customize the ticker design and layout.
  4. Use the shortcode [breaking_news_ticker] to display the ticker on your website.

Example Code:


Example Output:

Breaking News Ticker:

Customization Options:

Shortcode Options:

Example Shortcode:

[breaking_news_ticker ticker_style="horizontal" ticker_speed="medium" ticker_font_size="large" ticker_font_color="#333333" ticker_background_color="#FFFFFF" ticker_border_style="solid" ticker_border_color="#CCCCCC" ticker_padding="10px" ticker_margin="20px"]

This shortcode would display a horizontal breaking news ticker with a medium speed, large font size, and a custom font color, background color, border style, and padding.