Opposites attract uk pm calls on trump to renew special relationship

I think there may be some irony in the title you've provided!

The phrase "opposites attract" is often used to describe the idea that people with different personalities, interests, or values are drawn to each other. However, in the context of international politics, it's not uncommon for leaders with differing ideologies or approaches to have a strained relationship.

In this case, the title you've provided suggests that the UK Prime Minister is calling on Donald Trump to renew the special relationship between the two countries, despite their differences. This could be seen as a tongue-in-cheek reference to the idea that "opposites attract," as the UK and the US have historically had a close relationship despite their differences in politics, culture, and values.

It's worth noting that the special relationship between the UK and the US has been a cornerstone of their diplomatic relations for many decades, and has been strengthened through various agreements, alliances, and shared values. However, the relationship has also faced challenges and tensions in recent years, particularly during the Trump presidency.

In any case, I hope this helps clarify the potential irony in your title!