Breaking news meme generator

A meme generator for breaking news! Here are some templates and ideas to get you started:


  1. Breaking News: [Insert meme here] - [Insert ridiculous news headline here]
  2. URGENT: [Insert meme here] - [Insert over-the-top news headline here]
  3. BREAKING: [Insert meme here] - [Insert silly news story here]
  4. DEVELOPING: [Insert meme here] - [Insert absurd news update here]
  5. LATEST: [Insert meme here] - [Insert ridiculous news report here]


  1. Meme-ify a serious news story: Take a serious news headline and add a meme to make it humorous. For example: "BREAKING: Cat Found in Tree - Local Residents in Shock"
  2. Create a ridiculous news headline: Come up with a silly news headline and add a meme to make it even more absurd. For example: "URGENT: Pizza Delivery Guy Found to be Secretly a Ninja"
  3. Meme-ify a celebrity: Take a serious news story about a celebrity and add a meme to make it humorous. For example: "BREAKING: Taylor Swift's Cat Found to be Secretly Running the World"
  4. Create a meme about a current event: Take a current event and add a meme to make it humorous. For example: "DEVELOPING: New Study Finds That Cats are Actually Aliens"
  5. Meme-ify a historical event: Take a historical event and add a meme to make it humorous. For example: "LATEST: Ancient Egyptians Found to be Secretly LARPers"


  1. Canva: A popular graphic design platform that offers a wide range of templates and design tools.
  2. Adobe Spark: A free online design platform that allows you to create professional-looking memes.
  3. Meme Generator: A simple online tool that allows you to create memes using pre-made templates and images.
  4. Pixlr: A free online photo editor that offers a range of filters and effects to add to your memes.


  1. Keep it simple: Don't overcomplicate your meme with too many elements. Keep it simple and focused on the joke.
  2. Use high-quality images: Use high-quality images to make your meme look professional and attention-grabbing.
  3. Be creative: Don't be afraid to think outside the box and come up with unique and creative ideas for your memes.
  4. Keep it relevant: Make sure your meme is relevant to the current news cycle and will resonate with your audience.

I hope these templates, ideas, and tools help you create some hilarious breaking news memes!