New moon service in celestial church of christ

A very specific question!

The Celestial Church of Christ (CCC) is a Christian denomination with a significant presence in Africa and other parts of the world. The New Moon service, also known as "Igba Odun" in Yoruba, is a significant ritual in the CCC.

In the CCC, the New Moon service is a monthly ritual that takes place on the day of the new moon, which typically occurs every 29.5 days. The service is a time of spiritual renewal, cleansing, and consecration for members of the church.

Here are some key aspects of the New Moon service in the Celestial Church of Christ:

  1. Preparation: Before the service, members of the church typically fast and pray for several days to prepare themselves spiritually.
  2. Procession: The service begins with a procession around the church, led by the pastor or a designated leader. This is a symbol of the journey of life and the need to seek God's guidance.
  3. Prayers and hymns: The service features prayers, hymns, and songs, which are sung in Yoruba and other local languages. The prayers are often accompanied by the playing of drums and other traditional instruments.
  4. Blessing of the new moon: The pastor or leader blesses the new moon, symbolizing the beginning of a new cycle of life and spiritual growth.
  5. Consecration: Members of the church are consecrated to God, seeking His guidance, protection, and blessings in their lives.
  6. Offerings: The service often includes the offering of sacrifices, such as food, drinks, or other items, which are used to symbolize the members' commitment to God.
  7. Communion: The service may also include the celebration of the Holy Communion, which is seen as a way of renewing one's covenant with God.

The New Moon service is an important part of the Celestial Church of Christ's liturgical calendar, and it provides an opportunity for members to come together, seek spiritual renewal, and deepen their relationship with God.