Breaking can demands nigerias exit religious organisations #comments

Here are some possible comments on the topic "Breaking can demands Nigeria's exit from religious organizations":

Comment 1 "I completely agree with this. Nigeria's religious organizations have been a major source of division and conflict in the country. It's time for us to focus on building a more united and secular society."

Comment 2 "This is a bold move, but I'm not sure it's the right one. Nigeria's religious organizations have a long history and play an important role in many communities. We need to find a way to promote tolerance and understanding between different faiths, rather than trying to eliminate them altogether."

Comment 3 "I'm all for it! Nigeria's religious organizations have been used to justify all sorts of violence and discrimination. It's time for us to take a stand and demand a more secular and inclusive society."

Comment 4 "This is a recipe for disaster. Nigeria's religious organizations are a vital part of our cultural heritage and identity. We can't just abandon them without a thought."

Comment 5 "I'm not sure what you mean by 'breaking can'. Can you explain what you're proposing and how it would work in practice?"

Comment 6 "This is a great idea! Nigeria's religious organizations have been a major obstacle to progress and development in the country. By exiting them, we can focus on building a more modern and secular society."

Comment 7 "I'm not convinced that this is the right approach. Nigeria's religious organizations have a lot of power and influence, and simply trying to eliminate them won't solve the problem. We need to find a way to work with them and promote greater understanding and tolerance."

Comment 8 "This is a bold move, but I'm not sure it's the right one. Nigeria's religious organizations have a long history and play an important role in many communities. We need to find a way to promote greater understanding and tolerance between different faiths, rather than trying to eliminate them altogether."

Comment 9 "I'm all for it! Nigeria's religious organizations have been used to justify all sorts of violence and discrimination. It's time for us to take a stand and demand a more secular and inclusive society."

Comment 10 "This is a recipe for disaster. Nigeria's religious organizations are a vital part of our cultural heritage and identity. We can't just abandon them without a thought."

Please note that these comments are just examples and may not reflect the actual opinions of real people.