Brain drain funding greatest threat to health sector eksuth cmd #comments

It seems like you're referring to a specific topic related to the health sector in Nigeria. Here's a breakdown of the points you've mentioned:

  1. Brain Drain Funding: This refers to the financial support provided to healthcare professionals who leave their countries to work abroad, often due to better pay and working conditions. This can lead to a shortage of skilled healthcare workers in the country of origin.
  2. Greatest Threat to Health Sector: This suggests that the brain drain of healthcare professionals is a significant concern for the health sector in Nigeria.
  3. EKSUTH CMD: EKSUTH stands for Ebonyi State University Teaching Hospital, and CMD likely refers to the Chief Medical Director. This implies that the comments are related to the hospital's management and the impact of brain drain on the health sector.

Here are some potential comments that could be made on this topic:

These are just a few potential comments that could be made on this topic. Do you have any specific questions or concerns related to brain drain in the health sector in Nigeria?