Bpe boss says nnpc acting operator regulator global practices

It seems like you're sharing a quote from the BPE (Bureau of Public Enterprises) boss regarding the NNPC (Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation) and its role as an operator and regulator in the global oil and gas industry.

The quote suggests that the NNPC is not only an operator in the industry but also a regulator, which is a unique situation. Typically, an operator is responsible for extracting and producing oil and gas, while a regulator is responsible for overseeing and enforcing industry standards, safety protocols, and environmental regulations.

In the case of the NNPC, it appears that the organization is taking on both roles, which could lead to potential conflicts of interest. As an operator, the NNPC may prioritize its own interests and profits over the greater good, while as a regulator, it is supposed to ensure that the industry operates fairly and safely for all stakeholders.

It's interesting to note that this dual role could have implications for the transparency and accountability of the NNPC's operations. As an operator, the NNPC may have access to sensitive information and resources that could be used to influence its regulatory decisions. This could lead to a lack of trust and confidence in the organization's ability to regulate the industry effectively.

What are your thoughts on this situation? Do you think the NNPC's dual role is a good thing or a bad thing for the oil and gas industry in Nigeria?