Boris nemtsov russians march in memory of slain putin opponent

You're referring to the annual march in memory of Boris Nemtsov, a Russian opposition leader who was assassinated in 2015.

Every year on February 27th, Russians take to the streets to commemorate the life and legacy of Boris Nemtsov, a prominent critic of Vladimir Putin's government. Nemtsov was a former deputy prime minister and a leading figure in the Russian opposition movement. He was shot and killed in Moscow on February 27, 2015, just a few hundred meters from the Kremlin.

The annual march, known as the "March of the Living," is organized by Nemtsov's family and friends, as well as other opposition groups and human rights organizations. The marchers carry flowers, candles, and signs with Nemtsov's portrait, and many wear black ribbons to symbolize their mourning.

The march is a powerful symbol of resistance against the Russian government's crackdown on dissent and opposition. Despite the risks and challenges, thousands of people participate in the march every year, demanding justice for Nemtsov's murder and calling for greater freedom and democracy in Russia.

In recent years, the march has been met with increased repression and intimidation by the Russian authorities. Many opposition leaders and activists have been arrested, detained, or forced into exile, and the government has used propaganda and disinformation to discredit the opposition and silence its critics.

Despite these challenges, the March of the Living remains a powerful expression of the Russian people's desire for freedom, justice, and democracy. It is a testament to the enduring legacy of Boris Nemtsov and the many other Russian opposition leaders who have been silenced or killed by the government.

Here are some recent reports and articles about the march:

I hope this information is helpful!