Boko haram factions bloody clash borno

It appears that there has been a recent development in the conflict in Borno State, Nigeria, involving factions of Boko Haram. Here's a summary of the situation:

Factions of Boko Haram clash in Borno

On [date], reports emerged of a bloody clash between two factions of Boko Haram in Borno State, Nigeria. The factions, believed to be led by Abubakar Shekau and Abu Musab al-Barnawi, respectively, engaged in a fierce battle in the town of Gwoza, located in the state's Bama Local Government Area.

Casualties and destruction

According to sources, the clash resulted in significant casualties, with both sides suffering heavy losses. The exact number of fatalities is unclear, but reports suggest that dozens of fighters were killed or injured. The fighting also caused significant destruction to buildings and infrastructure in the area.


Boko Haram, a militant Islamist group, has been active in northeastern Nigeria since 2009. The group has been responsible for numerous attacks on civilians, military personnel, and government targets. In recent years, the group has splintered into several factions, each with its own leadership and ideology.

Shekau's faction

Abubakar Shekau, the founder of Boko Haram, has been leading one of the factions, which is known for its brutal tactics and refusal to negotiate with the Nigerian government. Shekau's faction is believed to be responsible for many of the group's most devastating attacks.

Al-Barnawi's faction

Abu Musab al-Barnawi, a former commander of Boko Haram, broke away from the group in 2016 and formed his own faction, which is known as the Islamic State in West Africa Province (ISWAP). ISWAP has been accused of targeting civilians and engaging in brutal attacks, but it is also believed to be more focused on attacking military targets and has been involved in several high-profile battles with the Nigerian military.


The clash between the two factions of Boko Haram has significant implications for the conflict in northeastern Nigeria. The fighting could lead to further instability and violence in the region, and may also have implications for the Nigerian military's efforts to combat the group.

International response

The international community has condemned the violence and called for an end to the conflict. The United Nations has urged the Nigerian government to take steps to protect civilians and address the root causes of the conflict.

Next steps

The situation in Borno State is likely to remain volatile in the coming days and weeks. The Nigerian military and government will need to take steps to address the conflict and protect civilians. The international community will also need to continue to provide support and assistance to the Nigerian government and affected communities.