Bof minister urge democratic accountability budget process strengthening

It seems like you're referring to a statement made by the Minister of Budget in a country, urging for democratic accountability and strengthening of the budget process.

Here's a possible paraphrase:

"The Minister of Budget has emphasized the importance of democratic accountability in the budget process, calling for measures to be taken to strengthen transparency, participation, and oversight. This includes ensuring that citizens have a greater say in the allocation of public funds, and that the budget is managed in a responsible and accountable manner."

Some possible key points that the Minister may have highlighted include:

  1. Transparency: The need for clear and timely disclosure of budget information, including the allocation of funds and the justification for spending decisions.
  2. Participation: The importance of involving citizens, civil society, and other stakeholders in the budget process, to ensure that their needs and priorities are taken into account.
  3. Oversight: The need for effective parliamentary and judicial oversight of the budget process, to ensure that public funds are used efficiently and effectively.
  4. Accountability: The importance of holding public officials accountable for their actions and decisions, including the management of public funds.
  5. Strengthening institutions: The need to strengthen institutions, such as the budget office, parliament, and judiciary, to ensure that they have the capacity and resources to effectively oversee the budget process.

By emphasizing democratic accountability and strengthening the budget process, the Minister aims to promote good governance, reduce corruption, and ensure that public funds are used for the benefit of all citizens.