Blockchain ico news

Here are some recent news and updates on blockchain and ICOs:

Blockchain News

  1. Facebook's Libra Blockchain: Facebook has announced the launch of its own blockchain platform, Libra, which aims to provide a decentralized and secure way for people to make transactions.
  2. China's Blockchain Push: China has announced plans to invest $2 billion in blockchain research and development, as part of its efforts to become a global leader in the technology.
  3. Blockchain for Supply Chain: A new report by the World Economic Forum has highlighted the potential of blockchain technology to improve supply chain efficiency and transparency.

ICO News

  1. SEC Cracks Down on ICOs: The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has announced a series of enforcement actions against companies that have conducted unregistered ICOs.
  2. ICOs Raise Record Funds: According to a report by CoinDesk, ICOs raised a record $13.7 billion in the first half of 2019, despite a decline in the number of ICOs launched.
  3. New ICO Regulations: The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has published new guidelines for ICOs, aimed at providing clarity and consistency for companies and investors.

Blockchain and ICO Trends

  1. Security Tokens: There has been a growing trend towards the use of security tokens, which are designed to comply with securities regulations and offer investors greater protection.
  2. Decentralized Finance (DeFi): DeFi, which refers to financial services and applications built on blockchain technology, has seen significant growth in recent months, with many new projects and platforms emerging.
  3. Blockchain Gaming: Blockchain-based gaming has become increasingly popular, with many new games and platforms emerging, and some even achieving significant success and adoption.

Recent ICOs

  1. Kava: Kava is a decentralized lending platform that has raised $1.5 million in its ICO.
  2. Ocean Protocol: Ocean Protocol is a decentralized data exchange platform that has raised $10 million in its ICO.
  3. Cere Network: Cere Network is a decentralized data storage platform that has raised $20 million in its ICO.

Blockchain and ICO Events

  1. Blockchain Week: Blockchain Week is a series of events and conferences that take place in New York City, featuring some of the biggest names in the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry.
  2. Consensus: Consensus is a major blockchain and cryptocurrency conference that takes place in New York City, featuring keynotes, panels, and networking opportunities.
  3. Blockchain Expo: Blockchain Expo is a global series of events and conferences that take place in various locations around the world, featuring keynotes, panels, and networking opportunities.