Ap news agency

AP (Associated Press) is a non-profit news cooperative that was founded in 1848. It is one of the largest and most respected news agencies in the world, providing news coverage to thousands of newspapers, radio and television stations, and online news organizations.

AP is headquartered in New York City and has bureaus and correspondents in over 250 locations around the world. It employs over 4,000 journalists, photographers, and videographers who cover news events, sports, and entertainment.

AP is known for its objective and unbiased reporting, and its news coverage is widely regarded as some of the most reliable and trustworthy in the world. The agency's reporting is used by many major news organizations, including CNN, Fox News, and NPR, as well as by many local newspapers and online news sites.

AP's news coverage includes:

AP also provides a range of other services to its member organizations, including:

AP is a non-profit organization, and its revenue comes from the fees paid by its member organizations for its news content and services. The agency is governed by a board of directors that includes representatives from its member organizations.

Some of the notable awards and recognition that AP has received include:

Overall, AP is a highly respected and influential news agency that provides high-quality news coverage to its member organizations and the public.