Blisters on back of heel from new shoes

The pesky blisters on the back of the heel from new shoes! It's a common issue, but don't worry, I've got some tips to help you alleviate the discomfort and prevent future occurrences.

Why do blisters form on the back of the heel?

Blisters on the back of the heel are usually caused by friction and pressure between the shoe and the skin. This can happen when:

  1. The shoe is too tight or doesn't fit properly.
  2. The heel counter (the part of the shoe that covers the back of the heel) is too stiff or doesn't conform to the shape of your heel.
  3. The shoe material is too rough or abrasive, causing friction on the skin.
  4. You're new to wearing shoes with a high heel or a different type of shoe that puts pressure on the back of the heel.

How to treat blisters on the back of the heel:

  1. Apply a topical ointment: Use a blister pad or a hydrocolloid dressing to cushion the blister and protect it from further irritation. You can also apply a topical antibiotic ointment to prevent infection.
  2. Keep the area clean and dry: Wash the area with soap and water, and pat it dry with a clean towel. Avoid rubbing or scrubbing the blister, as this can make it worse.
  3. Use a blister shield: A blister shield is a small, adhesive patch that can be applied to the blister to protect it from further friction and pressure.
  4. Take a break: If the blister is painful, take a break from wearing the shoes and give your heel a chance to recover.
  5. Use moleskin: Apply moleskin to the area to cushion the blister and reduce friction.

How to prevent blisters on the back of the heel:

  1. Break in your shoes gradually: Wear your new shoes for short periods and gradually increase the time to allow your skin to adjust to the new pressure and friction.
  2. Use shoe inserts or insoles: Consider using shoe inserts or insoles to cushion the heel and reduce pressure.
  3. Choose shoes with a soft, breathable lining: Opt for shoes with a soft, breathable lining to reduce friction and pressure on the skin.
  4. Wear socks with a moisture-wicking fabric: Wear socks made from moisture-wicking fabrics to keep your feet dry and reduce friction.
  5. Apply a friction-reducing product: Apply a friction-reducing product, such as a silicone-based spray or powder, to the area to reduce friction and pressure.

By following these tips, you should be able to alleviate the discomfort caused by blisters on the back of the heel and prevent future occurrences.