Blessing now mike abdul download gospel songs mp3

Mike Abdul is a Nigerian gospel artist, and I can provide you with some of his popular songs that you can download in MP3 format. Here are a few:

  1. "This Song" (feat. Monique) - This is one of Mike Abdul's most popular songs, and it's a great example of his unique blend of gospel and Afrobeat.
  2. "Iwaju" - This song is a powerful declaration of God's presence and power in our lives.
  3. "Blessing Me" - This song is a beautiful expression of gratitude to God for His blessings in our lives.
  4. "Ori Mi" - This song is a soulful worship song that showcases Mike Abdul's vocal range and emotional delivery.
  5. "Jesu Le Funmi" - This song is a classic Nigerian gospel song that Mike Abdul has put his own spin on.

You can download these songs from various online platforms, such as:

Remember to always download songs from reputable sources to ensure that you're getting high-quality files that are free from viruses and other malware.