Evolution from precivil to new technique system or society

What a fascinating topic! Here's a brief overview of the evolution from pre-civil to new technique systems or societies:

Pre-Civil (Hunter-Gatherer) Era (circa 2.5 million - 10,000 BCE)

Early Civilizations (circa 10,000 - 4,000 BCE)

Ancient Civilizations (circa 4,000 - 500 BCE)

Medieval Period (circa 500 - 1500 CE)

Early Modern Period (circa 1500 - 1800 CE)

Industrial Revolution (circa 1800 - 1900 CE)

Modern Era (circa 1900 - present)

Future Directions

This is a very condensed overview, and there is much more to explore in each of these eras. I hope this gives you a sense of the major milestones in the evolution of human society and technology!