Blessing for a new week

Here's a blessing for a new week:

"Dear God, as we begin this new week, we come before you with gratitude and humility. We thank you for the gift of life and for the opportunity to start anew.

May this week be filled with purpose and direction, as we seek to follow your will and live according to your plans. May our hearts be filled with joy, our minds be filled with wisdom, and our spirits be filled with your presence.

May we be mindful of the blessings we have and may we use them to bless others. May we be kind, compassionate, and merciful to those around us, and may we strive to be a light in the darkness.

May this week be a time of growth, of learning, and of transformation. May we be open to new experiences, new challenges, and new opportunities, and may we rise to meet them with courage and faith.

May we remember that you are always with us, guiding us, directing us, and loving us. May we trust in your goodness and your sovereignty, and may we rest in the knowledge that you are our rock, our refuge, and our salvation.

May this week be a blessing to us, and may we be a blessing to others. Amen."

I hope this blessing brings you peace, comfort, and inspiration as you start your new week!