Aden duale news

Aden Duale is a Kenyan politician who has been in the news for various reasons. Here are some recent news articles and updates about him:

  1. Impeachment proceedings: In August 2020, Aden Duale, the Majority Leader of the National Assembly, was facing impeachment proceedings over allegations of abuse of office and corruption. The move was initiated by a section of MPs who accused him of misusing public funds and engaging in corrupt activities. (Source: The Star)
  2. Corruption allegations: In June 2020, Duale was accused of embezzling KSh 1.5 billion (approximately $15 million) meant for the construction of a road in his constituency. The allegations were made by a whistleblower who claimed that Duale had diverted the funds to personal use. (Source: Daily Nation)
  3. Election controversy: In 2017, Duale was involved in a controversy surrounding the election of the National Assembly Speaker. He was accused of attempting to bribe MPs to vote for his preferred candidate, which he denied. (Source: The Standard)
  4. Security concerns: In 2019, Duale was involved in a security scare when his convoy was attacked by unknown assailants in his constituency. He was unharmed but several of his bodyguards were injured. (Source: Capital FM)
  5. Party politics: Duale is a key figure in the Jubilee Party, which has been embroiled in internal conflicts and power struggles. He has been accused of being a key player in the party's factionalism and has been at odds with other party leaders. (Source: The Nation)

These are just a few examples of the news articles and updates about Aden Duale. As a prominent politician, he is often in the news for various reasons, including his political activities, controversies, and personal life.