Blender new build cannot move


If your Blender build is not moving, there could be several reasons for this issue. Let's troubleshoot together to identify the problem and find a solution.

1. Check the mouse settings: Make sure that your mouse is properly configured in Blender. Go to Edit > Preferences > Input and ensure that the Mouse tab is set to Relative or Absolute. You can also try resetting the mouse settings by clicking the Reset button.

2. Check the 3D view: Ensure that the 3D view is not locked. Press Ctrl + L to toggle the lock on and off. If the view is locked, you won't be able to move the camera or the view.

3. Check the camera: Make sure that the camera is not stuck or frozen. Try clicking on the camera icon in the Outliner panel (usually located at the top-right corner of the Blender window) and then clicking on the Camera tab. If the camera is stuck, try resetting it by clicking the Reset button.

4. Check the scene: Verify that the scene is not set to Frozen. Go to Scene > Properties > Scene and ensure that the Frozen checkbox is not checked.

5. Check for conflicts with other software: If you're using other software that uses the mouse or keyboard, it might be interfering with Blender's functionality. Try closing other applications or disabling their mouse/keyboard hooks.

6. Check for Blender updates: Make sure you're running the latest version of Blender. Updates often include bug fixes and performance improvements. You can check for updates by going to Help > Check for Updates.

7. Try resetting Blender: If none of the above steps work, you can try resetting Blender to its default settings. Go to Edit > Preferences > File and click the Reset button. This will reset all Blender settings to their default values.

8. Check for conflicts with your graphics card: If you're using a graphics card, it might be causing issues with Blender's rendering or movement. Try disabling your graphics card or updating your graphics drivers.

If none of these steps resolve the issue, please provide more details about your Blender version, operating system, and any error messages you might be seeing. I'll do my best to help you troubleshoot the problem!