Cycle touring new zealand

What a fantastic idea! New Zealand is a paradise for cycle tourists, with its stunning landscapes, diverse geography, and well-maintained bike paths. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you plan your cycle touring adventure in New Zealand:

When to Go

The best time to cycle tour in New Zealand is during the spring (September to November) and autumn (March to May), when the weather is mild and sunny. Summer (December to February) can be hot and humid, while winter (June to August) can be cold and wet.

Routes and Itineraries

New Zealand has several popular cycle touring routes, including:

  1. The New Zealand Cycle Trail: A 2,500km network of trails that crisscross the country, featuring a mix of on-road and off-road sections.
  2. The Alps to Ocean Cycle Trail: A 300km trail that runs from the Southern Alps to the Pacific Ocean, passing through the Mackenzie Basin and the Waitaki Valley.
  3. The West Coast Wilderness Trail: A 145km trail that runs from Greymouth to Ross, passing through the West Coast's rugged wilderness.
  4. The Otago Central Rail Trail: A 150km trail that runs from Middlemarch to Clyde, passing through the Otago region's picturesque countryside.

Tips and Essentials

  1. Bike: Bring a sturdy, comfortable bike with good brakes and a reliable gear system. You can also rent a bike in New Zealand.
  2. Accommodation: Book your accommodation in advance, especially during peak season. Options range from budget-friendly hostels to luxury lodges.
  3. Food and Water: Pack snacks and water, and consider carrying a portable stove or camping gear for self-catering.
  4. Clothing: Dress in layers, as the weather can change quickly. Bring waterproof gear, warm clothing, and comfortable shoes.
  5. Safety: Always wear a helmet, and consider carrying a first-aid kit and a basic tool kit.
  6. Navigation: Bring a map, compass, and GPS device or smartphone with a GPS app.
  7. Respect the Environment: Follow the principles of Leave No Trace, and respect New Zealand's unique wildlife and ecosystems.

Challenges and Considerations

  1. Weather: New Zealand's weather can be unpredictable, with sudden rain showers and strong winds.
  2. Terrain: The country's varied terrain can be challenging, with steep hills, rough roads, and rugged trails.
  3. Distance: New Zealand is a large country, and cycle touring can be physically demanding.
  4. Cost: Cycle touring in New Zealand can be expensive, especially if you're renting a bike or staying in luxury accommodation.


  1. New Zealand Cycle Trail: Official website with route information, maps, and accommodation guides.
  2. New Zealand Tourism: Official website with information on cycle touring, accommodation, and attractions.
  3. Cycle Touring New Zealand: A comprehensive guidebook with route information, maps, and tips.
  4. New Zealand Cycle Touring: A Facebook group for cycle tourists, with advice, recommendations, and route information.

With careful planning and preparation, cycle touring in New Zealand can be an unforgettable adventure. Enjoy the stunning landscapes, diverse culture, and warm hospitality of this beautiful country!