Black sherif oh paradise lyrics
You're looking for the lyrics to "Second Sermon" by Black Sherif, also known as "Oh Paradise". Here they are:
[Intro] Oh, paradise, oh paradise I dey find my way to the other side Oh, paradise, oh paradise I dey find my way to the other side
[Verse 1] I was running through the 6 with my woes Tryna find a way to let my soul go I was chasing the highs, but the lows was the goal Tryna find a way to let my soul go
[Chorus] Oh, paradise, oh paradise I dey find my way to the other side Oh, paradise, oh paradise I dey find my way to the other side
[Verse 2] I was running through the 6 with my woes Tryna find a way to let my soul go I was chasing the highs, but the lows was the goal Tryna find a way to let my soul go
[Chorus] Oh, paradise, oh paradise I dey find my way to the other side Oh, paradise, oh paradise I dey find my way to the other side
[Bridge] I dey find my way to the other side I dey find my way to the other side I dey find my way to the other side I dey find my way to the other side
[Outro] Oh, paradise, oh paradise I dey find my way to the other side Oh, paradise, oh paradise I dey find my way to the other side
Please note that these are the lyrics as they are commonly transcribed, but slight variations may exist depending on the source or interpretation.