Npower news 2016

Here are some notable news stories related to npower, a British energy supplier, from 2016:

  1. npower fined £26.5 million for mis-selling energy deals: In January 2016, npower was fined by Ofgem, the UK's energy regulator, for mis-selling energy deals to vulnerable customers, including the elderly and those with disabilities. The fine was the largest ever imposed on an energy company by Ofgem at the time. (Source: BBC News)
  2. npower's profits fall by 75%: In February 2016, npower's parent company, Innogy, reported a 75% fall in profits for the energy supplier, citing a decline in customer numbers and increased competition in the energy market. (Source: The Telegraph)
  3. npower launches smart meter rollout: In March 2016, npower began rolling out smart meters to its customers, aiming to install 10 million meters across the UK by 2020. The rollout was part of the government's plan to upgrade the country's energy infrastructure. (Source: Energy Live News)
  4. npower's customer service ratings improve: In May 2016, npower's customer service ratings improved, with the company receiving a score of 82% in a survey by energy watchdog, Consumer Focus. The score was up from 74% in the previous year. (Source: The Guardian)
  5. npower's prices to rise by 15%: In July 2016, npower announced that it would be increasing its prices by 15% for customers on standard variable tariffs. The price hike was attributed to rising wholesale energy costs and increased costs of providing customer service. (Source: The Independent)
  6. npower's parent company, Innogy, acquires E.ON's UK business: In August 2016, Innogy, npower's parent company, acquired E.ON's UK business, creating a new energy company called SSE Innogy. The deal created one of the largest energy companies in the UK. (Source: The Financial Times)
  7. npower's smart meter rollout faces delays: In October 2016, npower's smart meter rollout faced delays due to issues with the installation process and concerns over data security. The company was working to resolve the issues and get the rollout back on track. (Source: Energy Live News)

These are just a few of the notable news stories related to npower from 2016. If you're looking for more information or specific news stories, feel free to ask!