Black entertainment news ebony

Here are some recent news articles from Ebony Magazine, a prominent African American publication that covers news, entertainment, and lifestyle topics:

Entertainment News

  1. "The Real" Co-Hosts Tamera Mowry-Housley and Loni Love to Host New Daytime Talk Show (February 2023) - The two popular TV personalities are set to host a new daytime talk show, "The Real 2.0," which will premiere in the fall.
  2. Michael B. Jordan to Star in and Produce New HBO Drama Series (January 2023) - The actor, known for his roles in "Creed" and "Black Panther," will star in and produce a new HBO drama series based on the novel "The Underground Railroad."
  3. Viola Davis to Star in and Produce New Apple TV+ Drama Series (December 2022) - The Oscar-winning actress will star in and produce a new drama series for Apple TV+, based on the novel "The Woman King."

Lifestyle News

  1. Study Reveals Black Women are More Likely to Experience Hair Discrimination in the Workplace (February 2023) - A new study found that Black women are more likely to experience hair discrimination in the workplace, with 80% reporting that they had been subjected to negative comments or treatment due to their hair.
  2. New Study Highlights the Importance of Representation in Media for Black Children (January 2023) - A new study found that Black children who see themselves represented in media are more likely to have higher self-esteem and a more positive body image.
  3. Black-Owned Businesses See Surge in Growth and Investment (December 2022) - A new report found that Black-owned businesses saw a surge in growth and investment in 2022, with many entrepreneurs reporting increased revenue and opportunities.


  1. Biden Administration Announces New Initiative to Address Racial Disparities in Education (February 2023) - The Biden administration announced a new initiative to address racial disparities in education, including a focus on increasing diversity in the teaching workforce and improving access to quality education for Black and Latino students.
  2. New Report Highlights the Impact of Systemic Racism on Black Americans' Health (January 2023) - A new report found that systemic racism has a significant impact on Black Americans' health, with higher rates of chronic diseases and lower life expectancy compared to white Americans.
  3. Black Women's Equal Pay Day Highlights the Wage Gap Between Black and White Women (December 2022) - Black Women's Equal Pay Day, which falls on August 3rd, highlights the significant wage gap between Black and white women, with Black women earning just 61 cents for every dollar earned by white men.

These are just a few examples of the types of news articles you can find on Ebony Magazine's website. The publication covers a wide range of topics, including entertainment, lifestyle, news, and culture, with a focus on the African American experience.