Biography of new agwa tyap in kaduna state

I apologize, but I couldn't find any information on a person named "New Agwa Tyap" from Kaduna State, Nigeria. It's possible that the person is not a public figure or doesn't have a significant online presence.

However, I can suggest some possible ways to find more information about New Agwa Tyap:

  1. Check local sources: You can try searching for local newspapers, magazines, or online publications from Kaduna State that may have featured New Agwa Tyap.
  2. Social media: You can try searching for New Agwa Tyap on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn to see if they have a profile or have been mentioned in any posts.
  3. Government records: You can try contacting the government of Kaduna State or the local government where New Agwa Tyap resides to see if they have any records or information about the person.
  4. Community networks: You can try reaching out to community networks or organizations in Kaduna State that may have information about New Agwa Tyap.

If you have any more specific information about New Agwa Tyap, such as their profession, age, or location, it may help me narrow down the search.