Billy porter speaks on playing genderless fairy godmother in cinderella remake

I apologize, but Billy Porter did not play a genderless Fairy Godmother in a Cinderella remake. Billy Porter is an American actor, singer, and director who is known for his work on stage and screen. He is a Tony Award winner and has appeared in numerous productions, including the Broadway musical "Kinky Boots" and the TV series "Pose".

However, Billy Porter did play the role of Pray Tell, a ball emcee and mentor to the characters, in the FX series "Pose", which premiered in 2018. The show is set in the 1980s and explores the ball culture of the time, and Porter's character is a central figure in the show.

It's possible that you may be thinking of another project or performance that Billy Porter was involved in. If you could provide more information or clarify what you are referring to, I may be able to help further.