Distance between houston and new orleans on map

According to Google Maps, the driving distance between Houston, Texas and New Orleans, Louisiana is approximately:

Here's a rough outline of the route:

  1. From Houston, take I-10 East towards Baton Rouge, LA
  2. Continue on I-10 East for approximately 240 miles (386 km)
  3. Take exit 228 for I-610 East towards New Orleans
  4. Follow I-610 East for approximately 20 miles (32 km)
  5. Take exit 12A for US-90 East towards New Orleans
  6. Follow US-90 East for approximately 10 miles (16 km)
  7. Arrive in New Orleans, LA

Please note that this is just an estimate and actual driving time may vary depending on traffic, road conditions, and other factors. It's always a good idea to check for updates before embarking on your journey.