Big brother naija 2018 double wahala new pair pictures

You're referring to the new pair pictures of Big Brother Naija 2018 Double Wahala housemates!

Here are the new pair pictures:

  1. Cee-C and Tobi - The popular pair from the show, known for their strong bond and romantic relationship.
  2. Nina and Miracle - The lovebirds from the show, who had a strong connection and were one of the most popular pairs.
  3. Alex and Leo - The pair who had a strong bond and were known for their witty banter and playful relationship.
  4. Anto and Khloe - The pair who had a strong friendship and were known for their support for each other.
  5. BamBam and Teddy A - The pair who had a strong connection and were known for their romantic relationship.
  6. Diane and Soma - The pair who had a strong bond and were known for their friendship and support for each other.
  7. Ifu Ennada and Dee-One - The pair who had a strong connection and were known for their playful and humorous relationship.
  8. Lolu and Anto - The pair who had a strong bond and were known for their friendship and support for each other.
  9. Nelson and Princess - The pair who had a strong connection and were known for their romantic relationship.
  10. Rico Swavey and Khloe - The pair who had a strong bond and were known for their friendship and support for each other.

These pair pictures are a great reminder of the strong bonds and connections that formed during the show.