Biden commits to female running mate if he is democratic nominee

That's a great piece of news!

On March 8, 2020, Joe Biden, the former Vice President of the United States and current Democratic presidential candidate, made a historic commitment to selecting a female running mate if he becomes the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election.

In a statement, Biden said: "I commit that I will select a woman to be my running mate. I've thought a lot about this, and I've decided that I'm not going to repeat the mistake that was made in 2016, when the Democratic nominee did not select a woman as their running mate."

This commitment is significant, as it would make Biden the first major-party presidential candidate to commit to selecting a woman as his running mate. It's a major step forward for gender equality and a testament to Biden's commitment to promoting diversity and representation in his administration.

Biden's commitment has been widely praised by women's rights advocates, Democratic leaders, and many in the Democratic Party. It's a move that could help to energize women voters and potentially attract more support from women who may have been hesitant to back a male candidate.

Of course, the selection of a running mate is ultimately up to Biden and his campaign team, but this commitment sets a high bar for whoever he chooses. Whoever it may be, it's clear that Biden is committed to making history and breaking barriers in the process.