Best way to search on linkedin for new people

Here are some effective ways to search for new people on LinkedIn:

  1. Use specific keywords: Use relevant keywords related to the industry, job title, or skills you're looking for. You can also use quotes to search for exact phrases.
  2. Location-based search: Use the location filter to search for people in a specific region, city, or country.
  3. Industry and company search: Search for people by industry or company. This can help you find professionals who work in a specific sector or for a particular organization.
  4. Job title and seniority search: Use the job title filter to search for people with a specific job title or seniority level.
  5. Skills and endorsements search: Search for people who have specific skills or endorsements. This can help you find experts in a particular field.
  6. Group search: Join relevant LinkedIn groups and search for members who have similar interests or expertise.
  7. People also viewed: Use the "People also viewed" feature to discover new people who have similar profiles or interests.
  8. Recent hires: Search for recent hires in your industry or company to connect with new professionals.
  9. Alumni search: Search for people who attended the same university or college as you.
  10. Referrals: Ask your existing connections to refer you to people they know who might be a good fit.

Some advanced search techniques to try:

  1. Use Boolean operators: Use operators like AND, OR, and NOT to refine your search results.
  2. Use parentheses: Use parentheses to group search terms and prioritize your search.
  3. Use wildcards: Use wildcards like * or? to search for variations of a word or phrase.
  4. Use LinkedIn's advanced search filters: Use the advanced search filters to narrow down your search results by factors like language, current company, and more.

Some popular LinkedIn search tools and plugins to try:

  1. LinkedIn's own search filters: Use LinkedIn's built-in search filters to refine your search results.
  2. Hunter: A plugin that helps you find email addresses and contact information for people on LinkedIn.
  3. LinkedIn Search: A Chrome extension that provides advanced search filters and features.
  4. A sales intelligence tool that helps you find and connect with new people on LinkedIn.

Remember to always respect people's privacy and boundaries when searching for new connections on LinkedIn.