Benenden school news

Benenden School is an independent girls' boarding school located in Cranbrook, Kent, England. Here are some recent news articles and updates about the school:

Recent News Articles:

  1. Benenden School celebrates 100th anniversary of its founding (Kent Online, 2020) - The article highlights the school's history and achievements over the past century.
  2. Benenden School pupils excel in GCSEs (Kent Messenger, 2020) - The article reports on the school's excellent GCSE results, with many students achieving top grades.
  3. Benenden School hosts international conference on girls' education (The Times, 2019) - The article discusses the school's hosting of an international conference on girls' education, featuring speakers from around the world.

Recent Updates:

  1. Benenden School has been ranked as one of the top 10 girls' schools in the UK by The Times and The Sunday Times Good Schools Guide (2020).
  2. The school has invested in a new state-of-the-art sports centre, featuring a swimming pool, gym, and sports hall (2020).
  3. Benenden School has launched a new programme to support students with mental health and wellbeing, featuring workshops and one-to-one support (2020).

Notable Alumni:

  1. Emma Watson, actress and UN Women Goodwill Ambassador, attended Benenden School.
  2. Sophie Turner, actress known for her role in Game of Thrones, attended Benenden School.
  3. Laura Carmichael, actress known for her role in Downton Abbey, attended Benenden School.

Upcoming Events:

  1. Benenden School's annual Summer Concert, featuring performances by students and staff (June 2023).
  2. The school's annual Sports Day, featuring events such as athletics, tennis, and netball (July 2023).
  3. Benenden School's annual Reunion Weekend, featuring events for past pupils and staff (September 2023).

Please note that the information provided is subject to change and may not be up-to-date. For the latest news and updates about Benenden School, I recommend visiting the school's official website or social media channels.