Belgium striker batshuayi breaks silence after embarrassing celebration fail against england #

It seems like you're referring to a recent news article about Michy Batshuayi, the Belgian striker, who had an embarrassing celebration fail against England. Here's a possible article based on the headline:

Michy Batshuayi has finally broken his silence after his cringe-worthy celebration fail against England in the UEFA Nations League. The Belgian striker was left red-faced after he attempted to celebrate a goal by doing a backflip, but ended up landing awkwardly and stumbling around on the pitch.

The incident has been widely mocked on social media, with many fans and pundits alike poking fun at Batshuayi's embarrassing display. However, the 27-year-old has now spoken out about the incident, saying that he was just trying to have a bit of fun and didn't mean to cause any controversy.

"I know it didn't go as planned, but I was just trying to celebrate the goal and have a bit of fun," Batshuayi said in an interview. "I didn't mean to cause any embarrassment or controversy. I'm just a player who likes to express myself on the pitch and have a good time with my teammates."

Despite the backlash, Batshuayi has received support from some of his teammates and fans, who have praised him for his enthusiasm and passion for the game. The Belgian striker has also used the incident as an opportunity to poke fun at himself, posting a humorous video on social media showing him attempting to do the backflip again, this time with more success.

In the end, Batshuayi's celebration fail may have been embarrassing, but it's also a reminder that even professional athletes are human and can have off days. And who knows, maybe he'll even start a new trend in the world of football celebrations!