Beijing will take off the gloves if trump continues on taiwan china daily

The article from China Daily is likely referring to the potential consequences if the United States, under the leadership of President Trump, continues to strengthen its ties with Taiwan, which is considered a sensitive issue in China-US relations.

Beijing has long considered Taiwan to be a part of its territory, and any official contact or recognition of Taiwan as a sovereign state is seen as a threat to China's sovereignty and territorial integrity. In recent years, the US has been walking a fine line, maintaining unofficial relations with Taiwan while also adhering to its "One China" policy, which recognizes Beijing's position on the issue.

However, under President Trump, the US has taken a more assertive stance on Taiwan, including sending high-level officials to visit the island and increasing military sales to Taiwan. This has led to increased tensions with China, which has responded with its own military exercises and diplomatic protests.

If the US continues to strengthen its ties with Taiwan, Beijing may take a more confrontational approach, including:

  1. Increased military exercises: China may conduct more military exercises near Taiwan, including live-fire drills and naval exercises, to demonstrate its military capabilities and deter the US from further action.
  2. Diplomatic pressure: China may apply diplomatic pressure on countries that recognize Taiwan, including cutting off diplomatic ties or imposing economic sanctions.
  3. Economic retaliation: China may retaliate economically by imposing tariffs on US goods or restricting US companies' access to the Chinese market.
  4. Cyber attacks: China may launch cyber attacks on US government agencies, military installations, or private companies to demonstrate its capabilities and disrupt US operations.
  5. Military escalation: In extreme cases, China may consider military escalation, including the use of force, to prevent Taiwan from declaring independence or to deter the US from further action.

It's worth noting that while Beijing has threatened to take action, it is unlikely to engage in a full-scale war with the US over Taiwan. However, the situation remains highly volatile, and any miscalculation or misstep could lead to unintended consequences.