Beast boy new 52

Beast Boy, also known as Garfield Mark Logan, is a superhero and a member of the Teen Titans in the DC Comics universe. In the New 52 reboot, Beast Boy's character was reimagined with a new origin story and powers.

New 52 Origin:

In the New 52, Beast Boy's origin story was changed to make him a human who was infected with a virus that allowed him to transform into various animal forms. The virus, known as the "Meta-Gene," was created by the government to enhance human abilities, but it had unintended consequences. Garfield, a young boy, was exposed to the virus and became the first human to exhibit its effects.


As a result of the virus, Beast Boy gained the ability to transform into any animal he could think of. He can change his physical form to mimic the characteristics of any animal, including its appearance, strength, agility, and abilities. He can also communicate with animals and has a deep connection with the natural world.


In the New 52, Beast Boy's personality was reimagined to be more serious and brooding. He is still a fun-loving and playful character, but he is also more intense and focused on his duties as a superhero. He is fiercely loyal to his friends and will do whatever it takes to protect them.


Beast Boy's costume in the New 52 is a sleek and modern design that reflects his animalistic abilities. His costume is a green and blue jumpsuit with a mask that resembles a animal's face. He also wears a utility belt with various gadgets and tools.


As a member of the Teen Titans, Beast Boy is part of a team of young superheroes who fight against evil and protect the world from threats. The team consists of Robin (Tim Drake), Wonder Girl (Donna Troy), Kid Flash (Wally West), and Raven (Rachel Roth).

Notable Storylines:

In the New 52, Beast Boy has appeared in several notable storylines, including:

Overall, the New 52 version of Beast Boy is a more serious and intense character than his previous incarnations, but he still retains his fun-loving and playful personality.