Administrative video for new drug usage

Here is a sample script for an administrative video on new drug usage:

Title: "New Drug Usage: Important Information for All Staff"


[Visuals: A brief introduction to the importance of proper drug usage in the workplace]

Hello and welcome. As a valued member of our team, it's essential that you understand the proper procedures for using new drugs in our facility. In this video, we'll cover the key information you need to know to ensure a safe and effective use of these medications.

Section 1: Introduction to New Drugs

[Visuals: A brief overview of what new drugs are and why they're used]

New drugs are medications that have been recently approved or introduced to the market. They may be used to treat a specific condition or disease, or to provide relief from symptoms. As with any medication, it's crucial that we follow proper procedures for their use to ensure patient safety and effectiveness.

Section 2: Pre-Use Procedures

[Visuals: A step-by-step guide to pre-use procedures]

Before using a new drug, it's essential that you follow these pre-use procedures:

Section 3: Administration and Monitoring

[Visuals: A step-by-step guide to administration and monitoring]

When administering a new drug, please follow these steps:

Section 4: Post-Use Procedures

[Visuals: A step-by-step guide to post-use procedures]

After using a new drug, please follow these post-use procedures:


[Visuals: A summary of the key takeaways]

Remember, proper use of new drugs is crucial for patient safety and effectiveness. By following these procedures, you'll help ensure that our patients receive the best possible care. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to your supervisor or the healthcare team.

Additional Resources:

[Visuals: A list of additional resources, such as training materials or contact information for further questions]

For more information on new drug usage, please refer to our training materials or contact your supervisor or the healthcare team. We're committed to providing the best possible care for our patients, and we appreciate your attention to this important matter.


[Visuals: A closing message]

Thank you for watching. Remember, proper use of new drugs is essential for patient safety and effectiveness. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out.