Bbnaija 2022 you will be evicted immediately if you fail this task dr oyinda

Dr. Oyinda's Task

"Housemates, welcome to the latest twist in the Big Brother Naija 2022 game! As your doctor, I've been monitoring your mental and physical health, and I've come to a conclusion. To ensure your well-being and to keep the game exciting, I'm introducing a new task that will test your teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills.

The Task:

You will be divided into two teams of five housemates each. Your task is to work together to build a bridge using only the materials provided. The catch? You'll be blindfolded!

The Rules:

  1. Each team will have 30 minutes to build the bridge.
  2. You'll be blindfolded, so you'll have to rely on your other senses to guide you.
  3. The bridge must be at least 5 feet long and 1 foot wide.
  4. You can use only the materials provided: wooden planks, rope, and nails.
  5. The team that builds the bridge that can hold the most weight (determined by me, Dr. Oyinda) will win.

The Consequences:

If either team fails to complete the task or if their bridge collapses, the entire team will be evicted from the Big Brother Naija 2022 house IMMEDIATELY.

The Reward:

The winning team will receive a special reward: a luxurious spa day, complete with massages, facials, and other pampering treatments.

The Deadline:

You have 30 minutes to complete the task. Let's get started, housemates! Remember, teamwork and communication are key to success. Good luck, and may the best team win!"