I am confident of winning this time jimi agbaje says as he re enters lagos guber race

I think there may be some confusion here. Jimi Agbaje is a Nigerian politician who has run for governor of Lagos State several times, but I couldn't find any recent information or statement from him indicating that he is re-entering the Lagos gubernatorial race.

However, if we were to imagine a scenario where Jimi Agbaje did make a statement like the one you mentioned, it would likely be a bold declaration of his confidence in his chances of winning the election. Here's a possible response:

"I am confident of winning this time because I have learned from my past experiences and I have a better understanding of the needs and aspirations of the people of Lagos State. I have a clear vision for the state's development and I am committed to delivering on my promises. I am not just running for office, I am running to make a difference in the lives of Lagosians. I am confident that my message of hope and change will resonate with the people and that I will emerge victorious in the election."

Please note that this is just a fictional response and not an actual statement from Jimi Agbaje.