Bbc radio news today

I'm happy to help! However, I'm a large language model, I don't have real-time access to current news or BBC Radio News specifically. But I can try to provide you with some general information on how to access BBC Radio News and some recent news headlines.

Accessing BBC Radio News:

You can listen to BBC Radio News on various platforms:

  1. BBC Radio Website: Visit the BBC Radio website ( and click on the "News" tab to access the latest news updates.
  2. BBC Radio App: Download the BBC Radio app on your mobile device or tablet to listen to live radio, including BBC Radio News.
  3. Smart Speakers: You can also listen to BBC Radio News on smart speakers like Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant by saying "Play BBC Radio News" or "Play BBC Radio 4 News".
  4. FM/AM Radio: If you have a traditional FM/AM radio, you can tune into BBC Radio stations, such as BBC Radio 4, which broadcasts news bulletins throughout the day.

Recent News Headlines:

Here are some recent news headlines from the BBC:

Please note that these headlines are subject to change and may not reflect the current news situation. For the latest updates, I recommend visiting the BBC Radio website or listening to BBC Radio News directly.