Bbc news world europe

Here are the latest news stories from BBC News World Europe:

Top Stories

  1. EU leaders agree on new sanctions against Russia: European Union leaders have agreed to impose new sanctions on Russia over its actions in Ukraine, including the annexation of Crimea.
  2. UK and EU reach Brexit deal: The UK and EU have reached a deal on the terms of the UK's departure from the EU, which will see the UK leave the single market and customs union.
  3. France and Germany agree on EU budget: France and Germany have agreed on a new EU budget, which will see the EU's budget increase by 10% over the next seven years.

Regional News

  1. Italy's Salvini faces investigation over migrant ship: Italian authorities have launched an investigation into allegations that the country's interior minister, Matteo Salvini, obstructed the rescue of a migrant ship.
  2. Spain's PM Sanchez faces no-confidence vote: Spain's Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez is facing a no-confidence vote in parliament after his government was unable to pass a budget.
  3. Greece and Turkey agree on maritime border: Greece and Turkey have agreed on a maritime border deal, which will see the two countries cooperate on issues such as migration and energy.

International News

  1. US and EU agree on trade deal: The US and EU have agreed on a trade deal, which will see the US reduce tariffs on EU goods and the EU reduce tariffs on US goods.
  2. Russia and China sign major trade deal: Russia and China have signed a major trade deal, which will see the two countries increase trade by 50% over the next five years.
  3. NATO and Russia hold talks on Ukraine: NATO and Russia have held talks on Ukraine, with NATO urging Russia to withdraw its troops from the country.

Business News

  1. EU and US agree on digital tax: The EU and US have agreed on a digital tax, which will see companies such as Google and Facebook pay taxes on their profits in the EU.
  2. UK and EU agree on financial services: The UK and EU have agreed on the terms of the UK's departure from the EU, including the financial services sector.
  3. Germany's economy grows at slowest rate in five years: Germany's economy has grown at its slowest rate in five years, with the country's GDP growing by just 0.1% in the second quarter.