15 notorious cultists apprehended rrs

It seems like you're referring to a news article or report about the apprehension of 15 notorious cultists. Here's a possible response:

According to reports, 15 notorious cultists have been apprehended by law enforcement authorities in a major crackdown on the group. The cult, known for its violent activities and alleged human rights abuses, has been a thorn in the side of the authorities for years.

The cultists, who were arrested in a series of raids across the country, are accused of a range of crimes including murder, kidnapping, and extortion. They are also believed to have been involved in the trafficking of drugs and weapons.

The arrests are seen as a major victory for the authorities, who have been working to dismantle the cult for months. The cult's leader, who is still at large, is believed to be one of the most dangerous and ruthless criminals in the country.

The apprehension of the cultists is expected to send a strong message to other criminal organizations that they will be held accountable for their actions. It is also hoped that the arrests will bring a sense of relief to the communities that have been affected by the cult's activities.

It's worth noting that the cult's activities have been widely condemned by human rights groups and other organizations, and the arrests are seen as a step towards bringing justice to the victims of the cult's crimes.