Bbc news poverty

Here are some recent news articles from the BBC about poverty:

UK Poverty

  1. UK poverty rate rises to 22% (BBC News, 2022) The number of people living in poverty in the UK has risen to 22%, with 14 million people struggling to afford basic necessities, according to a report by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
  2. Poverty in the UK: The hidden crisis (BBC News, 2022) A BBC investigation has found that poverty is a widespread problem in the UK, with many people struggling to make ends meet despite working full-time.
  3. UK's poverty rate 'unacceptable' (BBC News, 2021) The UK's poverty rate is "unacceptable" and needs to be tackled urgently, according to a report by the Institute for Fiscal Studies.

Global Poverty

  1. Global poverty rate falls to 7.2% (BBC News, 2022) The number of people living in extreme poverty has fallen to 7.2%, according to the World Bank, but the pace of progress is slowing.
  2. Poverty in Africa: A growing crisis (BBC News, 2022) Poverty is a growing crisis in Africa, with many countries struggling to provide basic services and opportunities for their citizens.
  3. Global poverty: The challenges ahead (BBC News, 2021) The world has made significant progress in reducing poverty, but there are still many challenges ahead, including climate change, inequality, and conflict.

Poverty and Inequality

  1. UK's wealth gap 'wider than ever' (BBC News, 2022) The wealth gap between the rich and poor in the UK is wider than ever, according to a report by the Resolution Foundation.
  2. Poverty and inequality: The UK's 'hidden' crisis (BBC News, 2021) Poverty and inequality are hidden crises in the UK, with many people struggling to make ends meet and feeling left behind by economic growth.
  3. Inequality and poverty: The global challenge (BBC News, 2021) Inequality and poverty are global challenges that require a coordinated response from governments, businesses, and individuals.

I hope these articles provide some insight into the issue of poverty and its impact on individuals and societies around the world.