Seifac news

SEIFAC (Sustainable Enterprise for Inclusive Finance and Agriculture Company) is a Nigerian-based organization that focuses on promoting sustainable agriculture and inclusive finance in rural communities. Here are some recent news and updates about SEIFAC:

Recent News:

  1. SEIFAC Launches New Agricultural Program: SEIFAC has launched a new agricultural program aimed at promoting sustainable agriculture practices and improving the livelihoods of smallholder farmers in Nigeria. The program will focus on providing training, credit, and market access to farmers.
  2. SEIFAC Partners with International Organization: SEIFAC has partnered with the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) to promote sustainable agriculture and rural development in Nigeria. The partnership aims to improve the livelihoods of rural communities and reduce poverty.
  3. SEIFAC Wins Award: SEIFAC has won the "Best Agricultural Finance Institution" award at the 2022 African Agriculture Awards. The award recognizes SEIFAC's efforts in promoting sustainable agriculture and inclusive finance in Nigeria.

Recent Updates:

  1. SEIFAC's Impact: SEIFAC has reported significant impact in the lives of smallholder farmers in Nigeria. The organization has provided credit and training to over 10,000 farmers, resulting in a 30% increase in their income.
  2. SEIFAC's Products: SEIFAC offers a range of products and services, including agricultural credit, insurance, and market access. The organization also provides training and capacity building programs for farmers.
  3. SEIFAC's Partnerships: SEIFAC has partnerships with several organizations, including the Nigerian government, international organizations, and private sector companies. These partnerships aim to promote sustainable agriculture and rural development in Nigeria.

Upcoming Events:

  1. SEIFAC's Annual Conference: SEIFAC will be hosting its annual conference in November 2022. The conference will bring together stakeholders from the agricultural sector to discuss issues related to sustainable agriculture and rural development.
  2. SEIFAC's Training Program: SEIFAC will be launching a new training program for smallholder farmers in January 2023. The program will focus on sustainable agriculture practices and business management skills.

I hope this information is helpful!