Bbc news on buhari speaking with trump with cnn news

I apologize, but it appears that you are asking for information that is not accurate. There is no record of BBC News or CNN News reporting on a conversation between Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari and former US President Donald Trump.

However, I can provide you with some information on the relationship between the two leaders. President Buhari and President Trump have had several interactions, including a phone call in 2017, where they discussed issues such as terrorism, trade, and security.

In 2018, President Buhari visited the United States and met with President Trump at the White House, where they discussed issues such as economic cooperation, security, and counter-terrorism.

It's worth noting that the relationship between the two leaders has been marked by some controversy, particularly with regards to issues such as human rights and democracy in Nigeria. Some critics have accused President Trump of being overly focused on economic interests and neglecting human rights concerns in his interactions with President Buhari.

I hope this information is helpful.