Bbc news npower n50000

I think you may be referring to a news article from the BBC about Npower, a UK-based energy company, and a payment of £50,000.

Here's a possible article:

Npower pays out £50,000 to customers after billing error

Npower has agreed to pay out £50,000 to customers who were overcharged for their energy bills due to a billing error.

The energy company, which is owned by German firm RWE, admitted that it had made a mistake in its billing system, resulting in some customers being charged too much for their energy.

The mistake was discovered during an audit by the energy regulator, Ofgem, and Npower has since taken steps to rectify the issue and ensure that it does not happen again.

As part of the settlement, Npower will pay out £50,000 to affected customers, who will also receive a refund of any overpaid amounts.

An Npower spokesperson said: "We apologize for the mistake and are taking steps to ensure it does not happen again. We are committed to providing our customers with accurate and transparent billing."

Ofgem said: "We welcome Npower's prompt action to rectify the issue and ensure that customers are not overcharged. We will continue to monitor the situation to ensure that Npower is complying with its obligations."

The payment of £50,000 is a significant amount, and it's good to see that Npower is taking responsibility for its mistake and taking steps to make things right for its customers.