Latest news about npower programme

Npower is a UK-based energy company that offers a range of energy-related services, including gas and electricity supply, boiler installations, and home insulation. Here are some of the latest news and updates about Npower's programmes:

  1. Npower's Smart Meter Rollout: Npower has been rolling out smart meters to its customers across the UK. The smart meters allow customers to monitor their energy usage in real-time, helping them to reduce their energy consumption and bills.
  2. Energy Efficiency Schemes: Npower has been offering various energy efficiency schemes to its customers, including the Energy Company Obligation (ECO) scheme. The ECO scheme aims to help low-income households and vulnerable customers to reduce their energy bills by installing energy-efficient measures such as boilers, insulation, and double glazing.
  3. Boiler Installation Programme: Npower has been offering a boiler installation programme to its customers, which includes the installation of new boilers, as well as the repair and maintenance of existing boilers.
  4. Home Insulation Programme: Npower has been offering a home insulation programme to its customers, which includes the installation of insulation measures such as loft insulation, cavity wall insulation, and draught-proofing.
  5. Smart Home Technology: Npower has been investing in smart home technology, including the development of smart thermostats and smart energy monitors. These devices allow customers to control their energy usage remotely and receive real-time updates on their energy consumption.
  6. Renewable Energy: Npower has been investing in renewable energy sources, including solar and wind power. The company has been installing solar panels and wind turbines on its customers' homes and businesses, helping to reduce their carbon footprint and energy bills.
  7. Customer Service Improvements: Npower has been working to improve its customer service, including the introduction of a new customer service platform and the recruitment of additional customer service staff.

Some of the latest news and updates about Npower's programmes include:

Please note that the information provided is subject to change and may not be up-to-date. It is always best to check with Npower's official website or contact their customer service team for the latest information on their programmes and services.