Bbc news nigeria wlwctions

You're looking for news on the upcoming elections in Nigeria, specifically from the BBC News Nigeria website. Here are some recent articles and updates:

Latest News

  1. Nigeria's 2023 elections: What you need to know (BBC News Nigeria, February 2023) - An overview of the upcoming elections, including the date, candidates, and issues at stake.
  2. Nigeria's ruling party, APC, names presidential candidate (BBC News Nigeria, June 2022) - The All Progressives Congress (APC) has chosen Bola Tinubu as its presidential candidate for the 2023 elections.
  3. Nigeria's opposition party, PDP, names presidential candidate (BBC News Nigeria, May 2022) - The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has chosen Atiku Abubakar as its presidential candidate for the 2023 elections.

Election Updates

  1. Nigeria's electoral commission, INEC, announces election dates (BBC News Nigeria, February 2023) - The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has announced that the presidential and national assembly elections will take place on February 25, 2023.
  2. Nigeria's security agencies vow to ensure peaceful elections (BBC News Nigeria, January 2023) - The Nigerian police and other security agencies have pledged to ensure a peaceful and secure environment for the elections.
  3. Nigeria's election observers, observers express concerns over election preparations (BBC News Nigeria, January 2023) - International and local election observers have expressed concerns over the preparedness of the electoral commission and the security situation in some parts of the country.

Analysis and Opinion

  1. Nigeria's 2023 elections: A chance for change or more of the same? (BBC News Nigeria, February 2023) - An analysis of the key issues and challenges facing Nigeria ahead of the elections.
  2. Nigeria's election: What the candidates need to do to win (BBC News Nigeria, January 2023) - An analysis of the strategies and challenges facing the presidential candidates.
  3. Nigeria's election: The role of social media in shaping the outcome (BBC News Nigeria, December 2022) - An analysis of the impact of social media on the election campaign and outcome.