Bbc news commentary

Here's a sample BBC News commentary:

[Intro music plays]

Presenter: Good evening, I'm [Presenter's name] and this is the BBC News at Ten. We're coming to you live from our studios in London.

[Cut to a graphic with the day's top stories]

Presenter: Tonight, we're following the latest developments in the ongoing crisis in Ukraine. The situation remains volatile, with reports of heavy fighting in the eastern city of Donetsk.

[Cut to a live report from Ukraine]

Reporter: Thank you, [Presenter's name]. I'm here in Donetsk, where the sounds of gunfire and explosions can still be heard. The city is under siege, with Ukrainian government forces trying to retake control from pro-Russian separatists.

[Cut back to the presenter in the studio]

Presenter: Thank you, [Reporter's name]. We're also following the aftermath of a devastating earthquake that struck Japan earlier today. The quake has left thousands of people homeless and caused widespread damage.

[Cut to a graphic with footage of the earthquake's aftermath]

Presenter: The Japanese government has declared a state of emergency and is working to rescue those trapped in the rubble.

[Cut to a live report from Japan]

Reporter: Thank you, [Presenter's name]. I'm here in Tokyo, where the mood is somber. The Japanese people are still trying to come to terms with the scale of the disaster.

[Cut back to the presenter in the studio]

Presenter: We'll have more on the earthquake and the situation in Ukraine later in the program. In other news, the European Union has announced plans to impose sanctions on Russia in response to its actions in Ukraine.

[Cut to a graphic with the EU's logo]

Presenter: The sanctions are aimed at targeting key sectors of the Russian economy, including energy and finance.

[Cut to a live report from Brussels]

Reporter: Thank you, [Presenter's name]. I'm here in Brussels, where EU officials are briefing on the sanctions. They say the measures are designed to persuade Russia to change its behavior.

[Cut back to the presenter in the studio]

Presenter: We'll have more on the sanctions and the implications for the global economy later in the program. And finally, we're following the latest developments in the search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.

[Cut to a graphic with a map of the search area]

Presenter: The search effort is now in its 12th day, with authorities scouring the Indian Ocean for any sign of the plane.

[Cut to a live report from Malaysia]

Reporter: Thank you, [Presenter's name]. I'm here in Kuala Lumpur, where the families of the missing passengers are still waiting for news.

[Outro music plays]

Presenter: That's all for now. We'll be back after the break with more news and analysis.